Presentations / Projects:
News from Around our Region:
Invasive Control Demonstration UPDATE
Please register here: Connecticut Land Conservation Council · North Branford Stewardship Event
Parking: Please park near the end of North St (off Rt. 80) You will see a sign on a driveway on the right side of North St pointing to Harrison Farm Preserve. Walk up the driveway following the signs to HFP.
Harrison Farm Preserve, North Street, North Branford Connections
SAVE THE DATE: January 11, 2025, 10 am to 12:30 pm (field)
Optional: Pizza lunch and informal discussions to follow at a nearby venue
View and discuss on-going and completed understory invasive control activities. The techniques used include mowing and then spraying or treatment of cut-stumps. The goal was to remove and kill dense woody shrubs that are growing below a forested mixed-hardwood canopy, and ultimately plant native species. The project involves treating 18 acres of a 22-acre land-trust property that has an extensive network of trails.
Demonstrations include use of a walk-behind DR Mower, a skid-steer mounted forestry mower, chain saws, and a 4wd farm tractor for moving larger trees and logs (firewood, specialty small logs). Discussions will include several of the project’s dedicated volunteers, what they did, and why they were happy to put so much time into the project. The property also has wildlife brush piles, a community blueberry garden, a volunteer-constructed parking area, a footbridge constructed from cedar trees gathered on site, and a recently constructed stone stairway (led by CFPA’s Rock Stars).
More info tom follow
Over the past several months, SCRCOG and NVCOG have been engaging with stakeholders, municipal leaders & staff, and the public to get feedback on regional priorities for reducing greenhouse gases in New Haven County as part of the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) program. As we near the completion of our draft Priority Climate Action Plan, we would like to begin outlining the logistics of submitting a regional application for implementation grant funding during Phase 2 of the CPRG Program.
To begin this process, we will be hosting a workshop on Tuesday, December 19th to begin coordination on a regional grant application, including reviewing roles and responsibilities of all co-applicants.
The purpose of this workshop is to:
Hear from you about projects you're interested in applying for funding for,
Get feedback on projects SCRCOG and NVCOG have identified that would make for strong applications,
Coordinate to ensure our region's application(s) are competitive & not duplicative,
And to begin outlining what all key players' roles and responsibilities would be.
When: Tuesday, December 19th from 10 - 11 AM
Where: 127 Washington Avenue, 4th Floor West (Rear), North Haven, CT and online via Zoom
Please join us in-person at the SCRCOG Offices or online via Zoom for this hour-long workshop. You can register* for the workshop via the following link:
*Note: Please register via the link provided, regardless of how you plan to attend.
Thank you,
Stephanie Camp
Regional Planner
South Central Regional Council of Governments
South Central Regional Conservation Partnership Relaunch
MAY 10 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Join us for the relaunch of the South Central Regional Land Conservation Alliance, a regional conservation partnership (RCP) with the mission of protecting and conserving open space in south central Connecticut by collaborating across boundaries to foster a stronger connection between people and nature.
This event is open to partners within SCRLCA, which includes land trusts and watershed associations located within the Regional Water Authority’s (RWA) service area and/or the South Central Regional Council of Governments’ (SCRCOG) service area.
Attendees will have a unique opportunity to take a behind-the-scenes tour of the Lake Whitney Water Treatment Plant located across from the Whitney Dam - 900 Whitney Ave, Hamden CT 06517. The tour will be followed by discussions with representatives from the Connecticut Land Conservation Council and Regional Water Authority about funding opportunities and policy updates from the current legislative session. We’ll also continue to gather input about how to make this RCP effective and useful to the conservation organizations in this region. Light refreshments will be provided. Please register HERE:
5pm Wed 8/11/21 Farm River Watershed DRAFT Plan Review Zoom call. All are welcome!! Meeting ID: 830 5297 3931
Passcode: 170395
Past Spring Meeting, 2020.
Via: Zoom meeting
The South Coast Regional Land Conservation Alliance is happy to present Mary Ellen Lemay (Mel) as our guest speaker.
Mel is the Landowner Engagement Director for the Aspetuck Land Trust (Westport, Fairfield,Weston, Easton CT), Pollinator Pathway Facilitator for the Hudson to Housatonic Regional Conservation Partnership, and also Member of the Connecticut Native Plants Working Group.
With over 85 towns in CT and NY in various stages of launching PollinatorPathway,this landowner outreach strategy has taken the region by storm in only 2 years.
By planting natives, avoiding pesticides, and reducing lawn, this very scalable initiative has the potential to create healthy, connected habitats for pollinators and wildlife as they move across the landscape.
The Pollinator Pathway has all the ingredients to help landowners restore biodiversity with simple action steps
We will have light refreshments courtesy of the Regional Water Association and the meeting in their headquarters, just off of I-95 for easy access.
90 Sargent Drive, New Haven CT
West Rock Ridge Park Association Joins the SCRLCA
The alliance welcomes the West Rock Ridge Park Association to the SCRLCA.
WRRPA is a volunteer organization, and was started in 1974 by Dr. William Doheny of Hamden, ecologist Dr. Stephen Collins of Bethany and Mr. Peter Cooper, a Woodbridge attorney, with the express purpose of creating a state park. The Association’s main purposes were and are
to urge the state to acquire more land to complete the park and
to act as a watchdog to prevent inappropriate activities there.
The Association relies on volunteer members to maintain the seven-mile-long Regicides Trail, one of the most famous CT Blue Trails.
Middlesex Land Trust Joins the SCRLCA
The alliance is happy to add Middlesex Land Trust to our group; adding an other strong and active Land Trust from our region that encompasses 7 towns!
Since 1987, the land trust has been dedicated to the preservation of land for all to enjoy. Working in Cromwell, Durham, Middlefield, Middletown, East Hampton, Portland and Haddam Neck, they currently own and manage more than 1,000 acres in 52 preserves.
Visit the trust for more information at:
Want to be part of a new shared messaging campaign?
Building on the Forests Make Us Healthier campaign launched by The Northeast Forest Network (NFN) last fall, they have released a new Stand Up For Forests campaign for Facebook and Instagram, scheduled to launch June 1.
The campaign is designed to run from June through October, and remind your followers how "forests make us healthier" and to encourage them to enjoy their local green spaces and share their experiences. The campaign assets – including images, copy and detailed instructions – are available to all.
Assets for June are available now. And new materials will be posted monthly through September.
You can learn more and download assets here and subscribe to monthly updates here.
Bill Labich (he/him)
Senior Conservationist
P.O. Box 1097, Redding, CT 06875
(413) 658-5308 (c)
Presented at our 2019 Fall Meeting:
Regional Water Authority Water Source Protection Presentation